Summia Germany
I am a hereditary ballerina. My father was a lead dancer at the Moscow Bolshoi Theatre and, later, a lead dancer at the Kyiv National Opera. He was awarded the title of People’s Artist of Ukraine. Moreover, he is also one of the founders of the Kyiv Circus Art Studio and the head teacher at the choreography department there. My mother is a classical ballet master and a choreographer. However, it was rhythmic gymnastics that helped me to perform a multitude of classical and modern ballets.
At the age of six, I entered a gym, and it made me aware that one can achieve a good result only by hard and focused work. I also realized that any ever so complicated exercise should be performed in a precise, accomplished, and aesthetically satisfying way.
Rhythmic gymnastics helped me to form my character, taught me to overcome physical and psychological barriers, to focus on performing various tasks, and to take responsibility for myself and the others around me.
All these skills came in handy for my career as a ballet dancer and, later, as a classical ballet teacher, my new profession. All my experiences prove that rhythmical gymnastics and the art of ballet are related and interdependent, combined in their quest for excellence and beauty using the capabilities of the human body.